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Institute of Contemporary Art Miami


Family Day

Sun, Nov 17, 2019

Family day is a free monthly event by the Miami Design District and the Institute of Contemporary Art Miami that encourages community engagement with art + design through interactive activities and performances for all ages.


Sculpture Garden: ICA Art Workshops

A Cut of You: Experiment with materials like fabric, tape, cardboard, and magazine cuttings to create a collage that represents you. Activity Inspired by Sterling Ruby.

Melting Monuments: Melt crayons onto dowels and popsicle sticks to create a colorful sculpture. Watch as layers of wax dry to make one large form. Activity Inspired by Sterling Ruby.

Hanging Landscape Use bamboo dowels and yarn to create a mobile decorated with shapes inspired by nature and images found in magazines. Activity Inspired by Sterling Ruby.

Soft Sculptures: Sculptures can be soft too! Challenge traditional forms of art by crafting an irregular sculpture out of fabric and stuffing. Activity Inspired by Sterling Rub

3rd Floor

Breathing Art and Movement (BAM) at 2pm, 3pm: Next up in a season of meditation for parent and child, Breathing Art and Movement (BAM) will lead two mini-sessions on the theme of ‘navigating chaos.’ Inspired by the work of Sterling Ruby, each 20 minute session will incorporate movement and breath as a method of self- regulation. Baby carriers encouraged!

2nd Floor

Sensory Friendly Accessibility Room: Recommended for children of all ages with sensory processing and autism spectrum disorders, this is an accepting inclusive space that is quiet, has modification to sound and light levels and offers hands-on activities appropriate for children of all ages.

Googly eye sensory bags

Magnetic sensory bottle (cause and effect)

Ground Floor

Storytelling at 1:30pm, 2:30pm, 3:30pm: Take part in our interactive storytelling with Krystal Valdes.

Paradise Plaza 1:30pm–3:30pm

Silent Revolution Dance Party!