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Institute of Contemporary Art Miami

K-HOLE Residency and Lecture

K-HOLE Residency and Lecture

As part of K-HOLE’s residency with ICA Miami, Yago and Monahan developed a body of research over the course of three days that used the city as a case study. In the tradition of science fiction, K-HOLE looked to specific cases of speculative real estate development, communities and historical events in Miami. On the final day of K-HOLE’s residency with ICA Miami, Yago and Monahan presented research and discussed findings in an interactive workshop. K-HOLE’s Miami Report will be available soon.

K-HOLE is a trend forecasting group founded in 2010 by Gregory Fong, Sean Monahan, Emily Segal, Chris Sherron and Dena Yago – a group of New York-based artists, designers, brand strategists and writers. Using the specific language of the marketing and advertising industry, K-HOLE addresses how brand and consumer experiences are constructed, and explores the plausible limits of corporate and consumer strategy. Core to the project, reports circulate amongst the art and marketing worlds in an effort to better understand how information flows between both, and elucidate how decisions are made on a large cultural scale.

Research conducted by K-HOLE in Miami was included in K-HOLE #5: A Report on Doubt. Download it here. (PDF)

Part of Idea 002: Critical Cosmopolitanism

The artists of Guccivuitton have frequently explored the relationship between artist and location, creating alternative methods of presentation and exchange. Idea 002 addresses the collective’s efforts to present and advance scholarship on regional material culture as it relates to international flows of capital and information. This line of inquiry involves a meditation on the development of Miami as a cultural center seeking to service international and regional audiences.

Image of ICA Ideas: K-Hole Residency and Lecture at ICA Miami
ICA Ideas: K-Hole Residency and Lecture at ICA Miami. Photo: Javier Sanchez.
Image of ICA Ideas: K-Hole Residency and Lecture at ICA Miami
ICA Ideas: K-Hole Residency and Lecture at ICA Miami. Photo: Javier Sanchez.
Image of ICA Ideas: K-Hole Residency and Lecture at ICA Miami
ICA Ideas: K-Hole Residency and Lecture at ICA Miami. Photo: Javier Sanchez.
Image of ICA Ideas: K-Hole Residency and Lecture at ICA Miami
ICA Ideas: K-Hole Residency and Lecture at ICA Miami. Photo: Javier Sanchez.