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Institute of Contemporary Art Miami

Swamp Ecologies: Summer Weeklong Intensive and Symposium 2023

Denzil Forrester, Three Wicked Crocs, 1982. Oil on canvas. 80 1/8 x 120 1/4 in. Photo: Mark Blower. Courtesy of the artist and Stephen Friedman Gallery, London.
Denzil Forrester, Three Wicked Crocs, 1982. Oil on canvas. 80 1/8 x 120 1/4 in. Photo: Mark Blower. Courtesy of the artist and Stephen Friedman Gallery, London.
Aug 22 – 26, 2023
Swamp Ecologies: Summer Weeklong Intensive and Symposium 2023

This summer, ICA-Miami’s Knight Foundation Art + Research Center presents a weeklong seminar series on Swamp Ecologies led by Dr. Zachary Caple, Christy Gast, and Dr. Camila Marambio who will offer scholarly and artistic approaches that engage the ecological landscapes and biodiversity of the Everglades and the broader ecosystems of Florida. These seminars will include a day-long excursion for students to conduct on the ground fieldwork in the Florida mangroves. This program will be concluded by a daylong symposium open to the public with scholarly talks by scholars including Dr. Zachary Caple, Dr. Jessica Cattelino, and Dr. Laura Ogden, who will speak on their research in the Everglades and with swamp ecologies as a way of knowing.

Visiting Faculty
  • Dr. Zachary Caple
  • Dr. Jessica Cattelino
  • Christy Gast
  • Dr. Camila Marambio
  • Dr. Laura Ogden
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