Encore: Family Day + NYICFF Kid Flicks One
ICA Miami Family Day + NYICFF Kid Flicks One features a selection of whimsical tales from around the globe for the whole family. Cat Lake City has you covered if you, like its loveable feline, feel like you just can’t catch a break in this hilarious tale of a hard-won vacation. But if you’re fortunate, you know that effort and fun can happily co-exist as they do in the short doc The Magic of Chess. Finally, meet another hard worker who gets a little lost dawdling in the countryside in the beautifully hand-animated Boriya.
Program: 58 mins., In English, no dialogue, or with brief English subtitles.
Accessing the Films
Click here to access the Kid Flicks One program between July 16–18. Click the Rent button, and use the code ICAMIAMI to watch for free.
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