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Institute of Contemporary Art Miami

Pilot Semester: New Social Abstractions

Hito Steyerl at the Art + Research Center, ICA Miami. Photo: Javier Sanchez
Hito Steyerl at the Art + Research Center, ICA Miami. Photo: Javier Sanchez
Oct 3 – 27, 2016
Pilot Semester: New Social Abstractions

Whether it is a finance economy that relies on complex projections and infinitesimal shifts, or infrastructures and corporations that blur national and hemispheric borders, today’s world functions at levels of complexity that defy straightforward examination. Current social abstractions provoke new ways of understanding and describing our world, and our culture. ICA Miami’s A+RC pilot semester will address how contemporary art production might contend with a world defined by ever-changing abstraction.

Under the theme of “New Social Abstractions,” leading artists-theorists Hito Steyerl, Simon Denny, Evan Calder Williams, and writer Ana Teixeira Pinto led an exploration into new levels of complexity that organize our modern world and discuss new kinds of artistic production that this development may demand.
