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Institute of Contemporary Art Miami

Anger Workshops

Nov 19, 2015 – Apr 9, 2016
Archives: ICA Seminars
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Image of Stuart Ringholt's Anger Workshops
Stuart Ringholt, Anger Workshops, 2012. Neue Galerie, Kassel. Documenta 13, 2012.

Anger Workshops are active meditations designed to promote physical and mental health including the promotion of stress reduction. Anger Workshops seek to challenge the prevailing belief anger is a negative emotion and seek to equip people with alternative tools for dealing with stress in their daily lives. Anger Workshops discuss how anger is the product of love. The workshops will include a presentation by the artist as well as a roundtable discussion. This workshop is one in a series of six seminars discussing performance and participatory art in the age of social change.

Health Requirements

  • Sound mental and physical health. A history of depression or any other mental health issue however small renders a participant unsuitable and at risk. Obesity renders a participant unsuitable.
  • No medical history of high blood pressure
  • No medical history of low blood pressure
  • No current use of ANY medication
  • No history of heart disease or heart ailment/condition.
  • Thu, Nov 19, 2015
    6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
About Stuart Ringholt

Stuart Ringholt (b. Perth, Australia, 1971) works across a range of media including video, sculpture, collage, drawing and participatory workshops and tours. Recent solo exhibitions include New Works, Milani Gallery (2015), Kraft, Monash University Museum of Art (2014), Starring William Shatner As Curator, TCB Melbourne (2011) and Video Works, Club Laundromat New York (2009). Ringholt has participated in group shows including Documenta 13 Kassel (2012), Singapore Biennale (2011) and the The Sydney Biennale (2008). Recently Ringholt conducted nude tours of a James Turrell retrospective (2015) and various other museum exhibitions (2011-2015). He is the author of Hashish Psychosis: What it’s Like to be Mentally Ill and Recover (2006). Ringholt currently lives and works in Melbourne, Australia.

Nov 19, 2015 – Apr 9, 2016
Archives: ICA Seminars
Learn More